The basic structure of bridge evaluation expert system is introduced, then the data stream of it is described.
In recent years, the quality evaluation expert system has attracted a lot of attentions of scholars and engineers.
To improve the utility of Expert System, the knowledge base of the forestry resources capital evaluation expert system and reasoning machine have been detached.
Aiming at the characteristics of harvesting machinery design, the whole structure of design and evaluation expert system of sugar cane combine harvester is constructed.
This paper presents an expert system LFEES for landslide forecast and evaluation.
Expert evaluating system can rapidly track and correctly forecast hazard grade at small open stone quarries, improve the efficiency of safety evaluation and raise reasonable safety countermeasures.
The analysis index system is put forward and the expert system based on artificial neural network is established, so as to solve the evaluation problem of high-tech park's competence effectively.
This article introduces how to implement computer evaluation of fishery resources in Chinese East Sea by using an expert system.
On the basis of documentation, questionnaire investigation, expert interview and sociological statistics the index system for quality evaluation of Wushu training classes and its weight were studied.
In this paper, a novel idea for optimization of image segmentation algorithms based on algorithm evaluation is proposed. According to this idea, a segmentation expert system is designed and realized.
Evaluation and decision are important component parts in mechanical design expert system.
General clean production evaluation index system of oil refining industry was established based on frequency of statistics, data research and expert advice.
So it is necessary to set up an expert system on evaluation of agric-ecological environment.
An expert system of regional crustal stability evaluation of the siting of key engineering works has been developed.
When the evaluator is affected by large disturbance, the expert module intervenes the evaluation process so as to keep system stable.
On the basis of the integration of GIS and expert system, a system on crop climate adaptability evaluation was developed.
Advanced nuclear reactor expert evaluation system is the initial practice of software on nuclear power plants evaluation system.
In order to solve the bottle neck problem in traditional expert systems, a Neural Network Based Intelligent Evaluation and Decision expert system (NIEDES) was used.
An expert system for weapon effectiveness evaluation based on improved BP neural network is introduced in this paper.
The judge standard of the fault adopts job standard and combines evaluation behavior principle, expert assessor system and the party's agreement standard.
The reliability fuzzy evaluation formulation for weapon system using the analytic hierarchy process and expert investigation method is given.
Software testing and evaluation for rule-base of expert system is an important part for ensuring quality and reliability of expert system.
Standardization for parameters collecting and measuring and expert system for parameters analysis and evaluation should be established for measurement of the process of body activities;
Determined by expert system, the comprehensive evaluation indexes to evaluate the fertility of purple soils were proposed, scaled, and the weight distribution of the indexes was established.
The expert system, SPIPE, can be practically applied for seismic evaluation of underground pipe network.
Expert evaluating system can rapidly track and correctly forecast hazard grade at small open stone quarries, improve the efficiency of safety evaluation and raise reason...
In this paper, we formed a comprehensive evaluation index of indoor environmental quality and the quality of outdoor physical environment for the expert system to provide expertise.
A system of evaluation criteria, namely the expert authority vector, object vector, constraint vector, object matrix and constraint matrix is put forward for project appraisal in conceptual design.
This paper describes the idea of design and partial detal of implementation about an Expert System about Engagement Project Evaluation.
This paper describes the idea of design and partial detal of implementation about an Expert System about Engagement Project Evaluation.