In order to prevent the occurrence of such a situation, must be on the refrigerant evaporating temperature control.
A low-temperature radiation heater and substrate heater are designed and made aiming at the low evaporating temperature of organic semiconductor materials.
When evaporating temperature and condensing temperature increase, the difference of performance between two-step dephlegmation cycle and one-step dephlegmation cycle is greater.
The result show that the evaporating temperature can be increased effectively by the method of the operation model of single fan, and it can prevent the evaporator from freezing.
The radiative temperature of a non-uniformly rectilinearly accelerating evaporating black hole is presented.
Temperature in fuel spray field has a determinant influence on fuel evaporating, mixture formation, ignition and flame spreading and is very important for numerical simulating.
The method of growing ATGS by evaporating at a fixed temperature and changing the solvent is discussed and its growing mechanism is given a new interpretation.
Research on the circumferential distribution of wall temperature for horizontal evaporating tubes under annular flow;
对垂直同心环形管内上升气液环状流的截面含气率及压降预测进行了研究 。
Research on the circumferential distribution of wall temperature for horizontal evaporating tubes under annular flow;
对垂直同心环形管内上升气液环状流的截面含气率及压降预测进行了研究 。