I grew up in a dinky little town that didn't even have a movie theater.
Health experts are now preaching that even a little exercise is far better than none at all.
Now, this might sound a little spurring, even a little strange.
If it requires even a little of your energy or time, you'll end up not doing and the dreared whoosh will come again.
Most of us, if we know even a little about where our food comes from, understand that every bite put into our mouths was alive.
Most of us, if we know even a little about where our food comes from, understand that every bite put into our mouths was formerly alive.
"When people have a mobile device and have even a little extra time, they will communicate with someone in their life," says Lee Rainie, Director of the Pew Internet and American Life Project.
The earliest modern critics sensed that they were somehow qualitatively different from everything that came after—even a little strange.
She has grown so that she is even a little taller than her mother.
My mother and dad taught me never to tell a lie. So I feel guilty every time I tell even a little white lie, although I do it just to make somebody feel better.
这个人说:“我爸爸妈妈总是教我绝对不能说谎话。因此,每当我说一点谎,即便是为了让某人感到好受一点而说谎的时候,我都好像做错了事一样。” 今天我们讲了两个和黑和白,也就是 black and white 有关的俗语。它们是a black sheep 和 a white lie。「美国习惯用语」第二十八讲就到里。欢迎下次再一起来学习美国习惯用语。再见。
Either way, you learn about what other people like in a language, how deeply they feel so, and perhaps even a little about why they feel so.
I know that some people reading this might think that this seems a little simplistic or even a little boring.
Even a little step in the right direction will give you a lift.
The pattern to date has always been the same: lots of encouraging rhetoric, perhaps even a little cash, but not enough to meet initial expectations.
I faced them, and learned that when you deal with these fears and emotions, even a little at a time, it is freeing.
Still, saving even a little is better than saving nothing at all.
If we can reduce our own fear even a little bit, we might be able to do better.
She added that some readers in her office were even a little put off by the racetrack setting, and that what really tipped the balance was some 30 pages Ms.
But if we can help the jury make this decision even a little bit better, it's hard to defend keeping this stuff out.
True, but even a little rejiggering must be viewed by developers as a worthwhile use of their time.
Give yourself permission to give yourself a break, even a little one.
It should also be effortless to add a new task or check what is left to do: if it requires even a little of your energy or time, you'll end up not doing and the dreared whoosh will come again.
Mr Matta also points out that even a little forestry would mean building roads that will present additional threats to the area.
"I became more patient, even a little more trustful," he says.
I had one patient with insomnia who also felt anxious and even a little depressed.
CENTRAL bankers are supposed to be calm, even a little boring. But the governors of America's Federal Reserve seem to have been seized by a sudden panic about inflation.
This pilot project sounds simple enough-maybe even a little obvious.
It was clear that if the bubble got deflated even a little, many mortgages would end up under water - with the price less than the value of the mortgage.
Sometime when you’re not even a little angry with each other, sit down and talk about how you fight.
From time to time, we all get a little down, maybe even a little depressed.