At that moment, I discovered that I did not even know my own nation's history.
This means that even if multiple remote sources participate in a query, only one remote source or the federated server is active at any given moment.
I wondered what he'd looked upon at the moment of his death, his vision so pure that even the dye respected it.
Relativism is fashionable at the moment, and that may hamper you from thinking about taste, even as yours grows.
Animals might fear an immediate danger, that is happening right now, but only we fear something that might happen, that isn't happening now, that isn't even showing its ugly face at the moment.
Mr Dombey's cup of satisfaction was so full at this moment, however, that he felt he could afford a drop or two of its contents, even to sprinkle on the dust in the by path of his little daughter.
Moreover, on that day the white wall at the back of the classroom was the witness of them all, coming together, even if for a single moment only.
Milton tells himself to run, and naturally he would have to run fast indeed in order to arrive at a moment in time that had already occurred before he even set out!
This can be as simple as talking to your child about what you are doing at that moment or even just what you see.
At that moment, you may even want to throw your phone away, for you just want to relax and get rid of your work.
"Recession is still more fear than reality at the moment, but even that fear still makes it harder to demand more money," Gross told.
The fact is that at the moment we don't even know if he's alive or dead. "- the Daily Telegraph, May 11, 2010."
The truth is at any even moment, someone somewhere could be making a face about you, but the real view about yourself that matter.
"We look at each other when we speak - and we do NOT roll our eyes (even mentally) because we know that every moment MATTERS," reader Joyce Curtis said.
"We look at each other when we speak - and we do NOT roll our eyes (even mentally) because we know that every moment MATTERS," reader Joyce Curtis said.
Even at that exciting moment, I remembered the old Admiral Benbow, and I seemed to hear the voice of old Bill, THR sea-man, singing with them.
Even if you pretend to be indifferent, at that moment, you will be thousandfold times heartbroken than I simply because you still love me.
I knew at that moment that even though Mama would be far away from us for years to come, our hearts would forever be sewn together.
But even at the moment that he uttered the reproach a strange thrill of remorse shot through his heart.
The secretary could tell in a moment that such backwoods, country hicks had no business at Harvard and probably didn't even deserve to be in Cambridge. She frowned.
Even now, I can picture the stretch of road we were driving at that moment, and I remember the ballad Van Morrison was singing as we traveled it.
This is true even in systems that only have a single execution core, and thus only have one thread actually executing at any given moment.
Even if that moment is at hand, two other slumps are likely to poison the economy for much longer.
Even if that moment is at hand, two other slumps are likely to poison the economy for much longer.