Even if your wife (or soon to be wife) doesn't have an incredible job, it's still likely that marriage is, ultimately, going to make you more money than it used to.
Even if it is not, the material that has been found could have been used to make a "radiological" weapon, by blowing it up and scattering it around a city using conventional explosives.
The bottom line, say critics, is that perfecting a technique that could be used for human cloning, even if it were developed for another purpose, is just a bad idea — an assertion Zhuang rejects.
If the customer is used to buying development with a fixed price model, or has formal guidelines, it can be quite a big-or even impossible-change for the customer.
This patented process could be used to retaliate against you if you jailbreak or tinker with your device in ways that Apple views as "unauthorized" even if it is perfectly legal under copyright law.
Many people fear that turbines will instantly depress the value of property nearby, even if it enriches those whose land is used.
The drawback to this solution is that, since the raw data is within the SOAP message, it must be scanned by any XML parser, even if it is never used (for example, in an intermediary, like a router).
Every possible space, nook and cranny is used for food storage, clothing, hanging towels - you name it, it's somewhere, even if temporarily unfindable.
It can also be used to scan the phone for security issues even if the phone is turned off.
However, doctors have warned her that a heart transplant is risky and that, even if it succeeded, the drugs used to prevent her body rejecting the new heart could prompt a recurrence of the leukaemia.
Because the active standby machine is still used for user transactions and query, even if no failure occurs, it must be fully licensed.
If the facade is built well (with no dependencies on the view or controller), it can even be used for different kinds of views and controllers.
Merb is a Ruby Web framework that most Ruby and Rails developers are familiar with, even if they haven't used it.
'Even if this is not a UFO that landed in the ocean that was being used as an alien base, it is still a monumental discovery, ' he writes.
We cannot allow a power like this to operate, unchecked and unobserved, even if it is currently used benignly.
It also USES "adaptive filtering" technology, where electronic filters lock onto sound waves and remove them, even if the wave's amplitude and frequency change as the drill is being used.
Even if paper is marked "recycled, " it might be made with byproducts from a process to make more paper instead of paper that's already been used and discarded.
Genetic Algorithms is used in solving the mathematical model, it can obtain the global optimum even if there exists local optimums, and enlarge the application range of Fuzzy Physical Programming.
This person is a very successful lawyer. She's used to a direct search for the truth, even if it makes people feel uncomfortable.
For the room I used the D36B, thinking that I'd be able to capture the ambience, even if it is low in the mix.
If that is the case with the relatively narrow range of cell phone frequencies, it is even more likely the case with the frequencies which may be used to cause direct, intentional harm to a person.
The freezing point of heat conductive oil is relatively low and can be used in cold winter. Even if it is solidified, there is no expansion and no danger for cracking equipment.
Even if there is straight one left, it still cannot be used.
If an item, like a computer, is used frequently in the daily life, even though it's expensive, I don't think it would be viewed as luxurious.
Multiplying a point on the curve by a number will produce another point on the curve, but it is very difficult to find what number was used, even if you know the original point and the result.
The women involved in the study used it only 60 percent of the time, and it was still effective -- meaning an even greater prevention rate is possible if it's used more frequently.
The results show that the effect of the parasitic PNP, transistor;. Is so serious under the condition of thin epitaxy that it can not be neglected even if the technology of doping gold is used.
In addition, the transformed strain shows the same effect even if the strain itself after culture thereof is directly used, and thus it is very economical.
In addition, the transformed strain shows the same effect even if the strain itself after culture thereof is directly used, and thus it is very economical.