Even in base ball, umpires have discretion in calling strikes. The umpire rules whether the pitch was on the corner or whether the batter checked his swing.
Even bunkered in his Bab al-Aziziya military base, the colonel maintained his strategic depth.
He found those with a lower base level of the hormone tended to prefer immediate payment, even when the sum in question was piffling compared with the promised future compensation.
Moreover, some international companies have sought to base themselves in Britain even if their deepest roots are elsewhere.
Even during your base training phases-in fact, even if you're never going to race again-include relaxed, fast runs of about 100 meters at the end of at least two easy runs each week.
A couple miles to the south-west was the base of the Lassen Peak Trail. The base was 8,000ft above sea level, huge snowbanks dotting the landscape even in mid August.
A couple miles to the south-west was the base of the Lassen Peak Trail. The base was 8, 000ft above sea level, huge snowbanks dotting the landscape even in mid August.
In addition, someone could inherit from these classes, even though you never intended these classes to serve as base classes.
But now European Union plans for a common tax base have begun to gain pace and may even take wing, in spite of several countries' efforts to stop them.
Before you get too upset over browser behavior, remember that even when the page shows — in quirks mode — your user base is happy, as your site isn't down.
The system itself has been designed to be self healing and horizontally scalable at each level, applicable to run in a large datacenter, or even on a single laptop, all with the same code base.
Making cardboard boxes that can be folded flat, even with their base in place, will speed up automated packaging in factories.
By how much is unknown: even if Banks' borrowing costs are insensitive to their capital levels, shareholders may accept lower returns in exchange for the lower risk provided by a bigger equity base.
"If you have moved house, you know how much time is wasted constructing the base of the box before you can put anything in it, and it's even worse on a factory assembly line," he says.
It might be the base form itself, or it might be a variant of the base form or even a grammatical inflection of those, as shown in the following list.
If there is a deny or specify rule in place for a user that denies access, even if the base permission gives access by user or group, the user is denied.
The Numbers suggest that a smaller, highly engaged base of Second Life users is intensifying its interest in the virtual world even as Second Life's appeal to new users fades.
数字显示着更小的增长高度,从事SecondLife基地的用户正在增强它对虚拟世界的兴趣,甚至为Second Life呼吁,要求新用户减少。
Further base effects, mainly owing to the steep cuts in interest rates in late 2008, lie behind the even bigger jump in retail-price inflation.
At public law schools fees grew even faster, albeit from a lower base: for those going to schools in their home state they almost trebled, taking the median to around $16, 000.
The new integration in Skype could help Facebook add to its subscriber base even as some data this month shows the service may have lost subscribers in the U.S..
Some of the capabilities in the base Ruby language make Rails testing even more powerful.
基本Ruby语言中的某些功能让Rails 的测试更强大。
'Even if this is not a UFO that landed in the ocean that was being used as an alien base, it is still a monumental discovery, ' he writes.
But go back even farther in time and you'll find out that back in 1995, the Internet had a worldwide user base of less than 40 million.
Because of its crucial importance, language bindings developers are making a point to support libglade (even though it's not (yet) part of the base GTK + library) in their languages.
由于该工具极其明显的重要性,语言绑定开发人员正在进行相关的工作,以在其语言中支持libglade(虽然目前尚未将其包含在基础gtk +库中)。
Most of us know that we're not maximizing the opportunities with our existing customer base even as we're spending too much in marketing to bring in new customers.
Even if your spouse is the Numbers whiz, you need to touch base so you know how much is in the checking account and how much you owe on your credit CARDS.
It can even sometimes just power right through base defenses which really the wraith couldn't have handled in the original game.
The base face shape also is taken in consideration when deciding to add facial hair like beards, mustaches and even sideburns.
The base face shape also is taken in consideration when deciding to add facial hair like beards, mustaches and even sideburns.