It somehow looks a bit like the NY Times square with lots of neon lights and full of people even late at night!
She was devoted to duty even amid appalling conditions and earned herself the nickname "Lady of the Lamp" for her habit of doing the rounds late at night.
This would seem to suggest that eating late at night -- even if you're not consuming more calories than you normally would -- may still be a risk factor for obesity.
Even if you knew him for a long time, but now he's my man, so please do not late at night for more than 12 points when he also called, you said that in a bad mood, had a chat with him.
Even if you knew him a long time, but he is my man now, so please do not late at night when more than 12 points also called him a bad mood that you let him chat with you.
Even the lamp in the west living room window, a beacon I could see far down the road when driving home late at night, still shines.
Late at night she walked alone in the street, appearing even more lonely and solitary.
Late at night she walked alone in the street, appearing even more lonely and solitary.