I pray for her even more than me.
Then Miss Pascal went on. "I think Tilly began liking the sea even more than me."
The second paragraph startled me even more than the first.
I do not even remember what they looked like, but they taught me a lesson—people are more important than things.
To even talk about cutting into reading pains me, but I do a lot more unfocused, undisciplined reading than I really should, and I'm betting you do too.
A part of me wants you to be happy more than I want myself to be happy and even more than you want me to be happy.
Yet I can think of another condition that worries me even more than the please disease.
While his tone and interests seemed shockingly familiar to me even after all those years, within days I learned far more about him than I ever had lying next to him in bed.
But swimming, for me, seems to zap a bad mood more efficiently than even running.
Some are even hostile, dismissing it as a midlife crisis, accusing me of looking for more than just adventure a lover?
In the search for longevity it seemed to me that this steadfastly bright disposition was even more important than good genes.
Because I guess even nowadays people seem to think more rather than in the past, "oh, there's one person meant for me", but now there's a lot people that divorce and do this type of things.
Even if it isn't more than five dollars, Martin thought to himself, it will buy enough beans and pea-soup to enable me to write half a dozen like it, and possibly as good.
I know you loved me even more than you loved music.
Because committing to something that you can't back out of seems to me like a step that you'd want to take even more carefully than something you thought you could reverse.
I'm sure he was even more critical of you than you are of me.
We are sitting in a gleaming white box of a room at the Serpentine Gallery: me, Hamilton and Donagh, a woman even more amazing to look at than him.
But even so, in much less time than it would have taken me to go from one small shop or grocery store to another, I've done the family's major shopping for a week or two or even more.
It dawns on me that all the topics - even those of the AI programs - are much more normal than mine.
Is it just me, or are these seats even more cramped than normal?
But what motivates me even more than the increased software quality is that it saves me development time.
You won't believe, but she has blossomed. She became even better than before. She gained weight, was no longer nervous and she loved me even more than ever.
But to me, time is even more precious than money.
I understood then. Of course this boy was more confused than me; he couldn't even remember his own identity.
Household did not previously know how hard, and even look forward to little more than a few superficial disease, let me point to enjoy their parents.
Household did not previously know how hard, and even look forward to little more than a few superficial disease, let me point to enjoy their parents.