If the line is an even number of points in width, to avoid a fuzzy line, you must not do so.
A player of the serving side shall serve from the right service court when the serving side has not scored or has scored an even number of points in that game.
The players shall serve from, and receive in, their respective right service courts when the server has not scored or has scored an even number of points in that game.
Software also lacks a well defined atomic unit of work — even though we can apply various measures, such as lines-of-code, number of classes, number of function points, number of bugs, etc.
If a person accumulates a high number of points by performing good deeds regularly, he or she may even receive preferential benefits in terms of medical treatment and education for their children.
Robert Annett points out that even if you are developing an online store, you should make sure the number of payments received equals the number of items sent.
The Rockets find that even this season, the number of McGrady passes that lead directly to points, if not always assists, is among the NBAleaders.
Euler became very excited. Now he knew that the number of odd points was the key to the puzzle. However, you still needed some even points in your figure if you wanted it to work.
The two leading competitors have an equal number of points-it's even Stephen.
With their massive number of customer touch points, they're so data-rich that they know what products and services customers want before consumers even know it themselves.
With their massive number of customer touch points, they're so data-rich that they know what products and services customers want before consumers even know it themselves.