But Ron Paul realizes that this kind of education, or even pressure, is not going to work by itself.
I look for clues about the sender in the choice of writing implement, stationery, and even pressure of pen to paper.
Smaller both the material's elastic modulus and clearance, and thicker thickness, more even pressure distribution is.
It's rigid construction helps maintain more even pressure differentials keeping the filter from collapsing and shutting down your compressor.
This paper stresses usable method effect and matters needing attention with even pressure technology, discuss usable situation of even pressure fire-extinguished in Qianqiu coal mine.
Even if I had the talent to play tennis I couldn't stand the pressure.
He never gets ruffled , even under pressure.
It puts even more pressure on the spine and muscles.
Being even moderately overweight increases your risk of developing high blood pressure.
We should assure such students that risk, and even peer pressure, can be a good thing—as long as it happens in the classroom and not the car.
We should assure such students that risk, and even peer pressure, can be a good thing—as long as it happens in the classroom and not in the car.
"There's no question people can take things a long way toward reversing diabetes, reversing high blood pressure, even preventing cancer by food choices," Nadeau says.
Stress can cause high blood pressure, heart attacks and alcoholism, and it may even drive people to suicide.
Even when employees are given paid time off, workplace norms and expectations that pressure them to overwork often prevent them from taking it.
Yet, even under the pressure of the water at that depth, life still exists.
While the validity of the idea is still being assessed, the lowered stress can even be tied back to blood pressure.
He refused to give the document up, even under pressure.
But the solution to one problem creates another, since it puts even more pressure on the spine and muscles.
Because this sort of hot spot requires complex organization and is not easily re-established even after police pressure is relaxed.
"One of the interesting things about speech - and singing - is we go through a very complicated process so that we have an even air pressure in our lungs," Lieberman says.
It worked like a hot air balloon underwater, since the petrol in the balloon could not be compressed, so it could keep its shape even in great pressure.
If Italy deteriorates, Spain would likely follow, and even greater pressure would be placed on France, which already has initiated an austerity program to preserve its AAA rating.
Even less foreign public pressure.
Even though there's pressure, and people gossip behind my back, I don't see it as really aimed at me. There are tens of us in this situation.
Although we have all been on polar expeditions many times before, it's the scientific side which puts even more pressure on us all.
External pressure is even greater.
Obviously there's going to be a little bit of vapor pressure, even at room temperature.
Even the most popular, if dead, feel no pressure, even that from the press, either.
Several green pressure groups, and even some energy and power company bosses, think that the whole idea is unworkable.
Several green pressure groups, and even some energy and power company bosses, think that the whole idea is unworkable.