Walden is a fantastically good book, and Thoreau's unadorned style feels shockingly contemporary, even if his analysis of networks differs from our own.
While his tone and interests seemed shockingly familiar to me even after all those years, within days I learned far more about him than I ever had lying next to him in bed.
Looking back, she said it was “shockingly easy” to get the card, even as a first-year student.
An all-encompassing guide to creating shockingly simple-yet stunning-cakes, cookies, and cupcakes that rival those from even the most fashionable designer bakeries.
EARLY this year Asia's economies were falling shockingly fast; now they are rebounding even more strongly than expected.
Dangerous counterfeit goods and even more shockingly fake medicines cannot be allowed to continue flowing across borders unhindered.
Dangerous counterfeit goods and even more shockingly fake medicines cannot be allowed to continue flowing across borders unhindered.