He believed, however, that even the wicked could repent.
With gratitude, even the wicked will be willing to help you.
The Lord works out everything for his own ends- even the wicked for a day of disaster.
Even as he was earnings millions a year, Hayakawa was limited to roles in which he played the wicked anti-hero.
Now the sons of that wicked woman Athaliah had broken into the temple of God and had used even its sacred objects for the Baals.
When the wicked, even mine enemies and my foes, came upon me to eat up my flesh, they stumbled and fell.
In the present study, I have tried to show that it is incorrect to condemn landowners and even usurers as wicked persons.
Even as a kid I always went for the wrong women, when we went to see Snow White, everyone fell in love with Snow White, I immediately fell for the wicked queen.
But if some of it is false, silly, or even wicked, there is nothing to stop the children believing that, too.
Even if misfortune overtakes their children, the wicked have departed, and will know it not.
The instruments also of the churl are evil: he deviseth wicked devices to destroy the poor with lying words, even when the needy speaketh right.
If you do someone a good turn today, don't expect a thank you. 'Cheers', 'ta' or even 'wicked' is the more likely response, if a survey is to be believed.
一项调查发现,如果你帮了别人一个忙,别以为他会说说“thank you(谢谢你)”,他很可能说cheers(谢谢)、ta(谢了)或wicked(真棒)等词语来表达对你的感谢。
If you do someone a good turn today, don't expect a thank you. 'Cheers', 'ta' or even 'wicked' is the more likely response, if a survey is to be believed.
一项调查发现,如果你帮了别人一个忙,别以为他会说说“thank you(谢谢你)”,他很可能说cheers(谢谢)、ta(谢了)或wicked(真棒)等词语来表达对你的感谢。