Even if you do back things up online, it's still helpful to store the passwords in your digital estate, to be passed on to someone you trust.
To save face and appear to be taking action, the board may even fire him-thus giving up on someone who may be a good manager but had bad luck.
If possible, refer them to a lead they can follow-up on - whether it's someone you know, someone who might know someone else, or even a department.
Have you ever changed your mind, backed out of something or even given up on a dream... because you were afraid of what someone else might think of you?
The only positively unhackable system is a computer that's turned off, and even that isn't a guarantee because someone might be able to physically walk up to it, turn it on, and hack it.
If possible, refer them to a lead they can follow-up on - whether its someone you know, someone who might know someone else, or even a department.
So exhausted when lying on the bed, I doubted whether I would wake up even if someone cut a piece off my body, let alone mosquitoes bit me.
If possible, refer them to a lead they can follow-up on -whether it's someone you know, someone who might know someone else, or even a department.
If possible, refer them to a lead they can follow-up on -whether it's someone you know, someone who might know someone else, or even a department.