Evening came, and when Heidi wandered homewards, one twinkling star after another appeared in the sky.
In the evening, I played my guitar by the campfire under a bright star.
When I talk about the Evening Star, I'm referring to Venus, whether or not I realize that Venus is the Evening Star.
When I go out as sun sets and dusk falls, there is the Evening Star.
The sun had just set as she raised her head above the waves; but the clouds were tinted with crimson and gold, and through the glimmering twilight beamed the evening star in all its beauty.
The evening star will come out when my voyage is done and the plaintive notes of the twilight melodies be struck up from the King's gateway.
Which is why Venus is morning star and evening star, ok. It only appears in hours fairly close to the sun's appearing.
On many an occasion did our literary and musical gatherings assemble under the auspices of the evening star to disperse, as did the lamplights at the breezes of dawn, under the morning star.
The evening star goes down therefore the morning star rises, no actually they are the same thing, that's why they are correlated.
So there couldn't be a world in which the Evening Star exists, but the Morning Star doesn't, because that would be a world in which Venus exists and Venus doesn't exist.
You might have thought that showed — didn't Descartes prove to us that that shows — the Evening Star and the Morning Star are two different things?
But try to imagine a world in which the Evening Star exists, but the Morning Star does not.
Look, take the argument of the planets, the Morning Star and the Evening Star example.
Some of you, I'm sure most of you, maybe all of you, are familiar with the Evening Star.
The Evening Star is the, roughly speaking, first heavenly body that's visible in the sky as it gets dark, at least at certain times of the year.
I can imagine a world in which the Evening Star exists, but the Morning Star doesn't.
The world that we live in has both the Evening Star and the Morning Star.
Well, maybe I did imagine a world in which the Morning Star exists and the Evening Star doesn't exist, but maybe imagining doesn't mean it's possible.
You can't have a world in which the Morning Star doesn't exist but the Evening Star does.
The Morning Star and the Evening Star aren't two different things.
But as you watched, the light faded, and in the west the evening star became brighter and brighter.
Linux itself didn't have a booth at CES this past week and didn't organize a high-powered, star-studded evening reception for all the Linux users at CES.
The Evening Star and the Morning Star are the very same heavenly body.
At greatest eastern elongation, Mercury swings farthest east of the sun, and briefly appears as an evening "star" after sunset.
The early evening star disappears.
We watched the sun slide between the mountains and the sky turn violet. Dad stared at the evening star.
Well, I can imagine the Evening Star without the Morning Star, so son of Descartes, "Descarteson," Has to say, "Oh, so that shows that the Morning Star and the Evening Star are two different things."
I didn't come out of the theatre this evening with a 5-star rating for "No Country For Old Men."
我可不是今晚一出电影院就忙着给“Nocountryforold men”打五分。
Clifford Berryman's cartoon depicting President Franklin D. Roosevelt during the controversy over the building's location was originally published August 20, 1941, in the Washington Evening Star.
Clifford Berryman's cartoon depicting President Franklin D. Roosevelt during the controversy over the building's location was originally published August 20, 1941, in the Washington Evening Star.