They rose above the vapid, everyday concerns of the masses.
It is also easy to simply respond to everyday concerns and events without taking any long-term vision.
The sight, sound and smell of the sea combine with the huge sky to make everyday concerns seem somehow less important.
However, you will agree with me that it is easy to crumble. It is also easy to simply respond to everyday concerns and events without taking any long-term vision.
Reading and answering the letters is rewarding because it keeps him aware of the concerns of everyday Americans.
He also stressed the need for judges who can empathize with the concerns and struggles of everyday people.
It has been found that it improves a person's ability to be better adapted to practical, immediate concerns, to solve everyday problems, and to come up more readily with new ideas.
It has been found that it (daydreaming) improves a person's ability to be better adapted to practical, immediate concerns, to solve everyday problems, and to come up more readily with new ideas.
Safety concerns over mobile phones has grown as more people rely on them for everyday communication.
When asked to what extent health concerns limit people's ability to undertake everyday tasks such as carrying shopping, four out of five respondents in Ireland say it does not limit them at all.
It has been found that daydreaming improves a person's ability to be better adapted to practical, immediate concerns, to solve everyday problems, and to come up more readily with new ideas.
It has been found that daydreaming improves a person's ability to be better adapted to practical, immediate concerns, to solve everyday problems, and to come up more readily with new ideas.