Fair's fair—you can't expect them to cancel everything just because you can't make it.
Instead, understand that your partner has had a life before you, and respect that he or she will not and should not change everything just because you asked.
Just because you're older than me doesn't mean you know everything.
Remember, the scale weighs everything. Just because your scale weight hasn't changed doesn't mean you aren't making progress.
'it's very authentic because he hits the tones just right, so you understand everything,' Lei said.
Remember that not all advantages are transferable. Just because you are talented in one area doesn't mean that you will be talented at everything you try.
Just know that programming isn't everything and you don't have to suffer because of your job.
Just because you have a hammer doesn't mean that everything is a nail.
If you say, 'God, I just want to do what you put me on earth to do,' I guarantee you, God will bless everything you touch because God is looking for people he can use to fulfill his purposes.
If you are to read the script, oh, for just a few months, you would know me because everything that I am goes in the script.
Everything you have, you have it for a reason. Just because you didn't find the reason yet, it doesn't mean it's not there.
When you realize what you've just missed, it's jarring because it forces you to confront the fact that you actually aren't noticing everything.
And understanding your users will even ensure your morale, because when everything else is collapsing around you, having just ten users who love you will keep you going.
Just because your boss is a jerk and you don't like the way he micromanages you doesn't mean you shouldn't be a sponge when it comes to learning everything you can from him.
Just because you charged everything to the company card doesn't mean someone didn't get a glimpse of your personal card when you weren't paying attention.
If you take a vector field that is a constant vector field where everything just translates then there is no divergence involved because the derivatives will be zero.
"The individual may say:" Well, that doesn't help me either, because now this helpless feeling, it just seems like the worst crime in the world to be helpless, weak, just let everything happen to you.
You have everything going for you, dear Aries, because just a few days after Venus goes direct in Aries, Mars will move into Aries on April 22, the moment you've awaited!
Remember, however, that your partner may find it more difficult to express his or her feelings to you, so do not assume that everything is clear and out in the open, just because that is how you work.
Now, the greatest thing we can give, as the Bible says, is wisdom, because when you give one wisdom you give one the method of attaining everything, not just one single thing.
You Might Have To Make Some Decisions, Because Sometimes You Just Can't Have Everything.
Just because you that everything is worthy.
Because of you, I try my hardest just to forget everything.
Well, just because I like to act free, you don't need to turn your nose up at everything I do.
Just because you're not my everything anymore, doesn't mean you are nothing for me now.
You plan fantasy trips around the world, because suddenly everything just seems more interesting…
This mostly focus on the interception side of things, because once you have that, everything else it just details.
And you just stick in your head, and maybe one day, you will haven't need to go to school, because everything that's known is in there.
Almost everything you do, you do because at some level you can see your own interests being served. It is not just about the interests of the person "making you do it".
Almost everything you do, you do because at some level you can see your own interests being served. It is not just about the interests of the person "making you do it".