The exact value of these chemical properties is known to correlate well with sea surface temperatures in the modern ocean and are used as proxies for past temperatures.
They must be used for the exact purpose for which they are designed in order to bring you the value they were meant to deliver.
You can also define your own matcher or use an exact value.
Much of the value of mistakes comes from the fact that they exact a cost which must be paid.
Much of the value of mistakes comes from the fact that they exact a cost that must be paid.
The exact value of crop circles to the broader economy is unclear.
Due to various issues with digital cameras involving noise, pixels will rarely maintain their exact color value between frames.
Either the maximum likelihood estimate or the maximum a posteriori estimate may be used in place of the exact value in the above equations.
So, the next time your efforts don't produce the exact result you were hoping for, take a moment to analyze the value of what you have just learned.
The exact determination of the breakdown voltage must therefore be attached to the measurement of an electrical value characteristic of the dielectric breakdown phenomenon.
The Exact Expected code value is the response code that will be verified in the response.
A base address is accompanied by an offset value that is added to the base to determine the exact location (the absolute address) of the information.
The value is usually an integer — the primary key, to be exact.
id值通常是一个整型 —确切的说是主键。
In one example, the search for exact strings can be implemented by generating a hash value for the string, and then indexing this hash value.
The exact value is a decimal constant of the form yyyymmL. For example, use
精确的值是一个十进制的yyyymmL 格式的常数。
When a query is issued against the table, DB2 must know the exact value provided for the column in order to correctly estimate whether the result set is 99 rows or one row.
当查询一个表时,DB 2必须知道列的确切值才能够正确评估结果集是99行还是1行。
It mandates the SOAPAction header to contain the exact value of the SOAPAction attribute in the WSDL but it also allows empty SOAPAction values.
While determining the number of connections needed is not an exact science, through trial and error and application monitoring the best possible value can be found.
With a move parameter mapping, the exact value of a source parameter will pass as-is to a target parameter.
If an exact match can't be determined for a recipient, a window displays with options for resolving the problem, such as selecting from some similar names or reentering a value as shown in figure 9.
However, in some cases you might want more control over the exact IP value assigned to a virtual machine.
The 3d images from LRO orbital photography are being used to make an exact digital topographic map of the moon, and this is fact may tweak the mean elevation value.
When using, you might want to play with the exact value used for the timeout value, and you might even want to change the value, depending on what you are doing.
在使用runremote . sh时,您可能希望使用超时值的确切值,并且您甚至可能希望更改这个值,这取决于您所执行的操作。
Since the conventional outstanding achievement measuring indices have not deducted the cost of equity capital, so unable to estimate exact amount of value, which the company created for Stockholders.
It remains that the problems about how he originally achieved such an exact value and why he was so confident of its reliability are till open.
This ensures that the exact value of the relative position is set only once, and you can later define a spacing between the two.
Previous research on the redundancy allocation problem for series-parallel systems has focused on where component reliability is assumed to be an exact value.
Previous research on the redundancy allocation problem for series-parallel systems has focused on where component reliability is assumed to be an exact value.