In this paper, Minimum Exact Cover Problem (MECP) for key distribution is presented, and a heuristic solution is testified.
But step inside their house after 4 p.m. most weekdays and you'll want to cover your ears because of the noise -- the screaming, to be exact.
Then we’ll set the top to another color from our scheme and toss in some text using the same exact formatting that we used on the cover.
You don't have to use these exact words, of course - just use whatever words are most meaningful to you, as long as you cover all of the steps.
Use prefab cover, suck and put cover automatically, more exact, fast, healthful and reliable.
Without disclosing the exact date, we believe the combined efforts of our team can have an effect on the survival rates particularly focussing on the country the cover-up stems from – the US.
Then we'll set the top to another color from our scheme and toss in some text using the same exact formatting that we used on the cover.
Then we'll set the top to another color from our scheme and toss in some text using the same exact formatting that we used on the cover.