The type of astrology that most western astrologers practice, horoscopic astrology, requires an exact birth time in order to work properly.
Do you need to know the exact number of working days that your employees or team members work in order to properly plan for a project?
Scientists studying depression have found that these particular chemicals are involved in regulating mood, but they are unsure of the exact ways in which they work.
Scientists have found that these particular chemicals are involved in regulating mood, but they are unsure of the exact ways that they work.
Upgrading it to give the exact latitude and longitude of the collision wasn’t simple work, since Chesley had to factor in the spin, orientation and rotational wobble of the Earth at each moment.
The researchers couldn't identify the exact ingredient or ingredients in the soup that made it effective against colds but say it may be the combination of vegetables and chicken that work together.
O.K., the question is premature - we still don't know the exact shape of the planned financial rescues in Europe or for that matter the United States, let alone whether they'll really work.
All batteries, no matter what their exact composition, work in the same fundamental way.
After months of tinkering, the work conditions were returned to the original state, and workers built more relays than they did in the exact same circumstances at the start of the experiment.
UNIT PRICES include for establishing the. Exact positioning of penetrations, cast in supports and the like before any work is carried out.
UNIT PRICES include fees like establishing the. Exact positioning of penetrations, cast in supports and the like before any work is carried out.
The exact same code does not work in both Tomcat and Jetty, but it is very similar.
You could try putting the words in quotes to bring up only exact matches, but keep in mind that this excludes "work-at-home" (with hyphens), which in many cases is the grammatically correct usage.
你可以试试在关键词上加上引号来得到准确的匹配结果,但是要记住这并不包括加上破折号写成“work - at - home ”这样的形式,虽然在很多情况下是一种正确的语法表达。
It's interesting how we can use the exact same dialog to work in both configurations.
If you want to work in fashion, then consider the exact area you want to work in. Merchandising?
Exact locations for such fixtures shall be determined at the job site during the course of the Work, in coordination with the mechanical and electrical Work.
We achieve state of the art accuracy in our comparison with related work and demonstrate improved generalization over exact whole-skeleton nearest neighbor matching.
In both cases the advent of popularity marked almost the exact moment when the system ceased to work well.
Applicants should state in detail in the application forms their work experience, including the exact start and end dates of their period (s) of employment.
" In fact, I'd bet that you said these exact words in the last 48 hours. "I don't have enough time to finish my work/get in shape/start a hobby/spend with my family.
" In fact, I'd bet that you said these exact words in the last 48 hours. "I don't have enough time to finish my work/get in shape/start a hobby/spend with my family.