Exaggerated claims merely fuel public distrust and disengagement.
Some exaggerated claims have been made for the medicinal properties of herbal infusions.
Always appear modest and do not make exaggerated claims about what you or your company can deliver.
I do not try to make propaganda or exaggerated claims, but these figures are based on the results of the past.
This strange result has nothing to do with forecasters making exaggerated claims, or with the innate cussedness of the climate.
Make sure that the additive is recommended by your car manufacturer, and it does not come with exaggerated claims of fuel efficiency.
Outraged book publishers and booksellers are making exaggerated claims about how the discounts will devalue books and wreck the industry.
Some scientists and environmental advocates have made exaggerated claims about environmental doom, and it's not surprising that they have finally been catalogued.
Paul Reiter, a researcher into medical entomology at the Institute Pasteur, has spent the past decade pushing back against exaggerated claims about the effects of climate on malaria.
在Pasteur研究院,一名叫做Paul Reiter的医学昆虫学研究人员花费了过去十年时间让夸大气候在疟疾上的影响的说法回到起点。
Donald M. Kerr, a former director of the Los Alamos weapons lab who was recently briefed on G.E.’s advance, said in an interview that it looked like a breakthrough after decades of exaggerated claims.
洛斯阿拉莫斯武器实验室前主任唐纳德.M.克尔最近就通用电气公司的进展做了概略说明,他在接受记者采访时说,这看着像经过几十年的夸大宣称后取得的突破。 他说,激光浓缩经历了从“强行推销,期望过高的一套技术”到“成为接近真正的产业过程”。
Maniago lied and exaggerated his claims to boost their confidence.
Other claims of new flexibility are slightly exaggerated.
Some claims about the borderless world may be exaggerated, but there is no doubt that firms increasingly disperse production to wherever it can be done most efficiently.
The dark side of hope is that claims about potential improvement can, and are, grossly exaggerated, in order to prise open our wallets.
There has long been a debate in China over celebrities appearing in ads that make exaggerated or even false claims.
Running is hard on the body, although claims that it creates impact forces up to seven to eight times body weight are exaggerated, according to the experts I consulted.
Be cautious if the claims for the product seem exaggerated or unrealistic.
Be cautious if the claims for the product seem exaggerated or unrealistic.