To reduce or avoid it, researchers have examined the effect of smoking, diet, brain-challenging games, exercise and other strategies.
But only recently have scientists examined whether the effect is real.
It detected such a link in Africa (though there have been arguments about its methods, and a string of relatively conflict-free years after the period examined weakens the effect).
Dr Hyde said gender differences accounted for either no or a very small effect for most of the psychological variables examined.
Both studies are the first to look at BPA's reproductive effect in humans. The adverse effect of BPA on the male reproductive system previously had been examined in animal studies only.
While previous research examined portion sizes and their effect on how much is eaten, researchers at the University of Utah in the U.S. assessed the impact of bite sizes.
Three recent studies have re-examined Dijksterhuis' findings to try and confirm whether or not the effect is real.
In this most recent set of studies, Jia and colleagues examined the effect of spatial distance on creativity.
To ask whether it can interfere with other retroelements, we examined its effect on hepatitis B virus (HBV). Our work broadens the spectrum of known viruses inhibited by APOBEC3G.
Scientists examined the effect of the footwear on women who don high heels regularly for work.
Pressure behavior and pressure effect of dilute stabilizing agents in the thermal decomposition of organic peroxides were examined in a mini-closed pressure vessel test (MCPVT).
However the researchers noted that the dietary effects were quite specific and that other fruits and vegetables examined did not provide the same protective effect.
Methods: The effect of conjugated bile acids on the rate of protein hydrolysis by trypsin and chymotrypsin was examined in vitro.
The effect of confection process on medicine dissolution was examined by comparing the dissolution rate of Baicalin in tablet and pill.
It is proposed that according to statical cone penetration test, standard penetration test and borehole test, the reinforcement effect can be controlled and examined.
Also, the potential stress shielding effect was examined using the 2 bone remodeling algorithms and the experimental bone mineral data.
The effect of temperature, pressure, equipment etc. on joint performance was examined.
It was examined that the effect of expression and content of antibody by mannose-resistant hemagglutination(MRHA) and hemagglutination inhibition(HI).
The microstructure effect on elastic properties of composites is examined and compared with experimental results and other results.
The effect of ignition property on diffusion layer in normal ambient temperature was examined.
She cites an authoritative analysis published in the Journal of the American Medical Assn in 1995 that examined the effect of sugar on the behavior or cognition of children.
Its real effect should be examined through practice.
The effect of ion bombardment on film packing density and moisture adsorption is examined.
The effect of N protein in vitro was examined in an RRL system.
In this study, we examined the effect of artificial sweeteners in a commercially available soft drink on glucose, insulin, and GLP-1 in humans.
本研究探讨软饮料中的人工甜味剂对人类葡萄糖、胰岛素和GLP- 1的作用。
The direct effect of CP on cultured K562 cells is examined in vitro by means of incorporation of isotope-labelled precursors and flow cytometry.
应用同位素标记前体掺入和流式细胞分析的方法,研究CP对体外培养K 562细胞的直接作用。
Fibers were treated by heat treatment, and the effect of various heat treatment parameters on fibers were examined.
The effect of calonyctin was examined with respect to soluble proteins and selected enzymes involved in starch metabolism in developing potato ( Solanum tuberosum L.
The effect of calonyctin was examined with respect to soluble proteins and selected enzymes involved in starch metabolism in developing potato ( Solanum tuberosum L.