For many tests and exams, you are tested on your abilities to communicate successfully.
This could be the reason why students who sit here often get lower grades on tests and exams.
Zoo officials said during this pregnancy, she was closely monitored through physical exams and blood tests.
They are normally serious about learning and feel disappointed with low grades on tests and exams.
The bank lets students "borrow" marks so that they can pass exams, and then repay them in later tests.
This nation uses a series of complex, almost arbitrary, tests to select its elite, who learn to excel in exams and at certain set up tasks, but who also lack imagination and self-reflection.
The results of these tests and exams may help determine eligibility for weight-loss surgery.
Compared to competing database vendors' exams, the IBM DB2 tests seem to have fewer overly specific trivial pursuit questions and more questions requiring deep thought.
与竞争的数据库供应商的考试相比,IBMDB2考试似乎很少有过于具体的 “追求细节” 类型的问题,而更多的问题都需要 “深入的思考”。
How do I know that that's an absolute pass, though? Well, when we set the exams, we set the tests, I sit with my TA's and we say, all right, let's work out the point scheme on this question.
Much of this is happening: language tests, exams on life in Britain, citizenship ceremonies and a nascent idea of civic service for young people may, slowly, build a richer idea of citizenship.
The UK, France and Germany rely on exams such as A-levels, the French Baccalaureate or Abitur – topped up by entrance tests for the most highly popular and selective subjects such as law and medicine.
英国、法国和德国都采用像A-levels这样的考试,法国的Baccalaureate orAbitur考试是在众多的入学考试中排行领先的。 这种考试是针对比较热门的和专业要求比较高的专业而设,比如医学和法律这样的专业。
The first record contains the number, n, of distinct type of assignments that contribute to the final grade; for example, quizzes, tests, exams, and so on.
We have tests and exams for young children at primary school, for middle-school students, for university students and working people.
However, since the RHCE and RHCT exams tests your administrative skills, it's appropriate to run commands in this book as the root user.
Patients who are in remission still need to see the doctor regularly for exams and blood tests.
Tests and exams are given in the lecture sessions noted in the table.
The tests and exams students have completed so far have always included all units expect those units they have not learned about.
Even during stressful weeks at Virginia Tech when all of us were getting slammed with exams, and papers and tests, Clark would make the time to help others.
My study habits were poor and last minute cramming for tests or exams made university life quite stressful.
Party B is expected to teach and arrange tests or exams according to the teaching plans, syllabus and schedule of the college.
Participants are asked about their health, get blood tests and physical exams.
Tests were transformed into major exams, book reports became research papers, classrooms developed into forums, and time was truly man's worst enemy.
The means by which this is done is through tests and exams.
Certainly the tests and exams at lower levels do not require a lot of special preparation if you follow a course of study.
The medical officials, who were selected through medical exams and spolecial tests, had a privilege to rise from their ranks, but at that time their social position was still low.
The study used different methods for determining whether people had dementia depending on the information available, including exams, neuropsychological tests and questionnaires.
Without the ability to write well children will be held back at school, in tests and exams, and in later life when they apply for jobs or are in the world of work, "Dr Borrow added."
We hope that your children can enjoy English, thus we create an environment that is challenging but without the pressure of tests and exams.
We hope that your children can enjoy English, thus we create an environment that is challenging but without the pressure of tests and exams.