Portugal is wobbling and Greece is expressing exasperation with Germany.
He also voiced his exasperation with Germany and Poland who have refused to commit to any aspects of the Libyan operations.
Many accuse him of dithering, and even close Allies such as Britain are expressing exasperation with the delay in Washington.
The one good thing about her exasperation with Xenophilius was that it seemed to have made her forget that she was annoyed at Ron. "I think you're right," she told him.
“Oh my gosh, I wasn’t expecting our group would have to spend this much time on the project,” Maryellen sighs with exasperation.
In my mind's eye, his face was suffused with love and tinged with exasperation, a common look for Daniel.
"They think they know better and just don't like following the rules," she said with exasperation.
My mother responded with exasperation.
"I live here," he says with exasperation, but has nonetheless learned to announce himself every time he enters a room so he doesn't startle me.
At this time, the best option is to have a break, but because of wisdom teeth, he has little time to eat freely and also with some exasperation.
I was all but dancing with impatience in the checkout line and sighed with exasperation.
I was all but dancing with impatience in the checkout line and sighed with exasperation.