Avoid defining custom exception classes.
Consider defining standard DAO exception classes.
Core — Base exception classes and environment information.
These standard exception classes are also intended to be used in the programs we write.
So, in your situation: your application exception classes are subclasses of RuntimeException.
Exceptions: SPL provides a set of standard Exception classes each meant to indicate a certain problem type.
If you find yourself defining more than a couple of levels of inheritance in your exception classes, review your work.
This exception class is also used by providers to throw exceptions when internal errors occur within the provider that do not map to other pre-existing exception classes.
Exception classes are another example of classes that may not load until well into an application's execution, because exceptions are ideally (though not always) rare occurrences.
When the server reports an unexpected exception, you can examine the classes and methods of the associated stack trace to determine which application caused, or was involved in, the exception.
If such classes are not available at runtime, it'll throw that exception.
As with the SAX and DOM factory classes, one exception handles requested — but unsupported — features, and another exception handles instantiation errors.
Also included with this article are additional sections on the unified domain classes in JMS 1.1, exception handling, transport bindings, and other best practices.
本文还包括有关JMS 1.1中的统一域类、异常处理、传输绑定和其他最佳实践等信息。
Let's say that you wanted consistent exception handling for all of the classes in your application.
In Part 1 of this series, your first step is to import Apache POI along with exception and file-handling classes (see Resources for the link to Part 1).
Create two UML classes, DrawingSurface and GraphicException, to be used as a parameter type and exception type, respectively, for the sample method.
It would have been better to allow multiple instances of logging and exception-handling classes.
By further examining the exception package and noting the ratio of abstract to concrete classes, you can derive another metric: abstractness.
As Figure 1 illustrates, the classes that comprise the TCS prototype are bundled into four packages: the transaction package, the service package, the utility package, and the exception package.
The problem of outlier mining has been variously called outlier analysis, anomaly detection, exception mining, detecting rare events, mining rare classes, deviation detection, etc.
Asian trading today was very thin across asset classes -currencies no exception to the end of year markets that reign.
Design classes so that an exception is never thrown in normal use.
Students requesting an exception or having any question about their background should talk to the Professor before the end of the first week of classes.
With the exception of enumerators, all regular expression classes are thread safe or can be converted into thread-safe objects by a synchronized method.
With the exception of enumerators, all regular expression classes are thread safe or can be converted into thread-safe objects by a synchronized method.