In response to the best conditions, the reaction rate achieved 98.5% and the enantiomer excess value achieved 100%.
Ultimately, it will offer the maximized delivered value to the customers. Also, Shunfeng's excess value will turn to the competition advantages.
We find that in the group that diversified possibility are the same, the diversifying company has 11% to 16% excess value more than the single-segment company on average.
Economists call this phenomenon "consumer surplus" - the excess value of a good beyond the actual price a consumer pays; what you would have been willing to pay, in other words, if you had to.
The value of the company is well in excess of $2 billion.
If the value of the mortgaged property exceeds that of the claim secured, the surplus may be mortgaged again, but not in excess of the surplus.
Meantime, maintaining an artificially low value for the renminbi creates excess liquidity in China.
Rapid growth in nominal GDP means that asset prices do not need to fall so far to regain fair value, bad loans are easier to work off and excess capacity can be more quickly absorbed by rising demand.
Singaporean authorities estimate that 11, 000 residents held duff securities with a face value in excess of S$530m ($347m).
This substantial excess of value creates a comfortable margin of safety in each transaction.
The capitalized value of this excess return is economic Goodwill.
The mineral resources original value(the mineral resources before exploration)reflects the excess profit, which includes the absolute differential rent and the first differential rent.
Fluctuate of food supplies from excess to lack is a normal motion which is matching the Law of Value.
The present value of expected future earnings of a business in excess of the earnings normally realized in the industry.
It can improve thermal efficiency effectively by keeping excess air coefficient at optimal value.
The excess of sodium are probably caused by the high background value of recharging source and the dissolution of vaporous deposition of sodium-sulphate in the aquifer.
Minimalism is about reassessment of your priorities so that you can strip away the excess stuff - the possessions and ideas and relationships and activities - that don't bring value to your life.
The former is called the graded mine rent and the latter absolute mine rent and they are the excess profit obtained by the equation of existing income value.
前者就是级差矿租和绝对矿租(统称为矿租或矿山地租) ,是通过收益现值法公式计算出来的超额利润。
On the contrary, excess competition would deviate the law of value, disorder the tourist market and hurt the consumer's benefit.
For no-par stock with a stated value, an appropriate title-for example, paid-in capital in excess of stated value - describes the difference.
Excess number insure to mean the amount covered is higher than insured value.
Based on cost method of calculating reserves value, this paper puts forward value evaluating model of natural gas reserves (excess income general model) for the first time.
Insurance policy or certificate settling agent's name is to be indicated, any additional premium to cover uplift between 10 and 17% may be drawn in excess of the credit value.
And in the indirect way goodwill can be measured as the excess of the value of the whole company over the fair value of net assets.
The IAT fault detection module diagnoses faults in the IAT sensor based upon a comparison of the excess noise value and a first predetermined value.
The paper introduces excess loss based on lateral offset, axial offset, longitudinal offset, and different parameter value within a fiber splice, then, discusses the measurement method of excess loss.
Account Excess is the available funds in your account. It is calculated by subtracting the required Margin from Liquidation Value.
Account Excess is the available funds in your account. It is calculated by subtracting the required Margin from Liquidation Value.