Borrowing expense refers to interest expenses, discount, premium amortization, auxiliary expenses, loss of exchange, etc. incurred by loan.
Interest rates exchange rates insurance premium rates securities and futures prices shall be subject to related laws or administrative decrees instead of this law.
But the market does not seem to feel this way. The non-deliverable forward exchange rate for the purchase of us dollars is continuously at a significant premium.
And if the value of the forward exchange is higher than the spot exchange, we quote it At Premium.
The premium of, for example, the one - year forward exchange rate over the spot exchange rate is one that at least I look at everyday.
Insurance companies are in the business of assuming risk on behalf of their customers in exchange for a fee, called premium.
Once the exchange rate is agreed upon between the customer and the bank, no one can come and ask the customer for more money, except the option premium the customer has paid to the bank.
Interest rates, exchange rates, premium rates, securities and futures prices shall be governed by the provisions of the relevant laws and administrative rules and regulations, other than this law.
Insurance is defined as the equitable transfer of the risk of a loss, from one entity to another, in exchange for a premium.
RMB exchange rate has a quicker response to information after the reform. The return has neither a characteristic of leverage effect nor a risk premium effect.
You are supposed to give a premium, and exchange is said to be against England, and in favour of France.
The discount or premium between the spot and forward rates for a forward foreign exchange transaction. It represents the interest-rate differential between the two currencies traded.
Sometimes the underwriter wants to share some of the risk and he will do this by a process of reinsurance whereby he passes a risk to another insurer in exchange for part of the premium.
Interest rates, exchange rates, insurance premium rates, securities and futures prices shall be subject to related laws or administrative decrees instead of this law.
The price is a 17 per cent premium to Rothmans' 20-day volume-weighted average trading price on the Toronto Stock Exchange.
The price is a 17 per cent premium to Rothmans' 20-day volume-weighted average trading price on the Toronto Stock Exchange.