Assist in organization of project training workshops, technical exchange meetings and other related events.
Every time famous photographers are invited to be the judges, and after the competition different kinds of lectures and exchange meetings will be arranged.
She described her institute's 'best brain exchange' initiative: one-day meetings that bring together the best researchers and top decision-makers in a particular subject.
Their meetings are like mini parliaments where boys and girls can plan, reflect, exchange ideas and experience, consult with each other and make decisions.
Its aim was to host regular meetings, exhibitions, talks and exchange programs to promote the computer as a creative tool and raise the standard of computer art locally.
Scientific meetings are a fun and fruitful venue for exchange.
Transactions over computer networks avoid many of the associated costs of interpersonal economic exchange, including the costs of travel, physical space for meetings, and processing paper documents.
Its running school experience has been recommended to exchange in the entire province and the whole city vocational education meetings and the entire province vocational school headmasters forum.
Its running school experience has been recommended to exchange in the entire province and the whole city vocational education meetings and the entire province vocational school headmasters forum.