If some other party discovered the secret, though, the message exchange would be compromised, with potentially devastating results for the parties to the exchange.
The Cambodia Stock Exchange has no stocks to exchange, making it arguably the smallest bourse in the world (see table).
Another was to use foreign currency: the bank could lend, or accept a bill of exchange, in one currency and collect its debt in another, building a hidden rate of interest into the exchange rate.
TMX Group, parent of the Toronto Stock exchange and TMX Venture exchange, is also making good headway in wooing foreign listings to the exchanges.
In all the other cases fiscal policy either had no discernible exchange rate effect or it was the expansion of the deficit that caused the exchange rate to fall.
At the time, the country had more than enough foreign exchange reserves to redeem all the krona in the country for euros at the then-current exchange rate.
Try telling that to the New York Mercantile exchange (NYMEX), the world's largest commodities exchange.
In recent years, currency exchange rates have fluctuated frequently, so more problems have existed when using exchange rates to calculate GDP.
One reason the New York Stock exchange (NYSE) is merging with Euronext, a pan-European exchange operator, is to expand into these asset classes through Euronext's Liffe derivatives market.
To become friends with a user Bob, user Alice sends a message to the fanout exchange iends. We assume that this exchange is somehow access restricted 24: ordinary users cannot bind queues to it.
OS X Snow Leopard will use the Exchange Web Services protocol to provide access to Exchange 2007 on your Mac.
Snow Leopard将会应用交互网络服务协议来提供结构,是Mac可以链接到Exchange 2007。
At the time of this replacement, the Pengo to Forint exchange, was Four Hundred Octillion (That’s 29 Zeros) to one. That same Forint would exchange for 11.74 to $1USD.
Next, the browser generates a random exchange 128-bit key, encrypts it using the server public key, and passes the encrypted exchange key to the server.
This is handled in the policy description by using a nested policy for the exchange with the STS, while the main body of the policy applies to the exchange between the client and the service.
Since exchange are named entities the attempt to declare a previously existing exchange with a different type results in an error.
The Montreal exchange, hardly a colossus, has successfully marketed its impressive SOLA trading system to bourses in Asia. Boston's options exchange already USES it.
In recent years, China's foreign exchange reserves continue to grow, caused the academic circles for Chinese foreign exchange reserve scale suitability of the extensive research and analysis.
When the Bank of England was trying to keep the pound in the Exchange Rate Mechanism in 1992, it had to use its limited foreign-exchange reserves to buy sterling.
To maintain the exchange rate stability, the central bank would have to use base money to intervene in the foreign exchange.
The London Stock Exchange is moving to acquire the Toronto Stock Exchange and the Singapore Exchange is moving to acquire the Australian Securities Exchange.
In addition to protecting the value of existing foreign exchange reserves, China should try to stop increasing foreign exchange reserves.
In addition to protecting the value of existing foreign exchange reserves, China should try to stop increasing foreign exchange reserves.