This resulted in a considerable loss to the exchequer.
In order to "change lives for the better" and reduce "dependency", George Osborne, Chancellor of the Exchequer, introduced the "upfront work search" scheme.
The Chancellor of the Exchequer has indicated that he plans to revive a scheme put forward last year by the International Monetary Fund, which has not yet provided any relief.
This April 1916 advertisement for Exchequer bonds was typical of the time.
Gordon Brown, then chancellor of the exchequer, thought so too.
unveiled by George Osborne, the new chancellor of the exchequer, in June.
It leaked, riling Mr Cameron and George Osborne, the chancellor of the exchequer.
George Osborne, Britain's 39-year-old chancellor of the exchequer, is a fiscal hawk.
Britain's prime minister and chancellor of the exchequer responded frostily. See article.
But Alistair Darling, the chancellor of the exchequer, will allow the deficit to expand unchecked.
The OBR takes fiscal and economic forecasts out of the hands of the chancellor of the exchequer.
OBR 从财政大臣的手中接下了财政及经济预测的职责.
The man with a pit in his stomach this morning is surely the current chancellor of the exchequer.
Growth, and a definitive end to long years of deflation, would bring the exchequer fresh revenues.
As a former chancellor of the exchequer, Mr Brown is well placed to try to sort out Britain's fiscal mess.
Alistair Darling, the chancellor of the exchequer, refuses to be drawn about future spending allocations.
英国财政大臣阿利斯·泰尔·达林(Alistair Darling)拒绝透露未来财政支出的分配去向。
That goes double for Mr Brown, at the time the chancellor of the exchequer and the second most powerful man in the country.
Alistair Darling, the UK chancellor of the exchequer, announced that Banks would be hit by a 50 per cent tax on bonus pay-outs.
英国财政大臣阿里斯·代尔·达林(Alistair Darling)宣布,将对银行派发的奖金征收50%的税。
It was George Osborne, the chancellor of the exchequer, who bore the burden of substantively rejecting the case for fiscal loosening.
He would not accept Tyler's "exchequer system," and Tyler vetoed Clay's bill to establish a National Bank with branches in several states.
This newspaper supported the plan to tame Britain’s huge deficit that George Osborne, the chancellor of the exchequer, produced last year.
本刊支持减少由财政大臣George Osborne去年所产生的巨大赤字。
Yen, full moon, family reunion; Lu source, exchequer, is your source of popularity, and, constantly; love; wish, would rather, do everything!
日圆,月圆,阖家团圆;禄源,财源,是你泉源;人缘,福缘,不断情缘;心愿,甘心,事事如愿! !
Yen, full moon, family reunion; Lu source, exchequer, is your source of popularity, and, constantly; love; wish, would rather, do everything!
Gordon Brown, the chancellor of the exchequer and probable prime minister from this summer, preferred a chamber with 80% of its members elected.
Even his friend, George Osborne, is mired, as the chancellor of the exchequer is thought to have recommended Mr Coulson to the Tory leader in 2007.
On August 17th George Osborne, the budget-cutting Tory chancellor of the exchequer, insisted fiscal responsibility was "both fair and progressive".
As Chancellor of the Exchequer for ten years, his efforts to improve the lot of poor pensioners often saw him claw funds from more prosperous ones.
Following that pledge, which Alistair Darling, the chancellor of the exchequer, made on September 17th, the patient has shown some signs of recovery.
在财政大臣Alistair Darling在九月17做出这个承诺后,经济开始出现复苏的迹象。
Both Gordon Brown, the prime minister, and the chancellor of the exchequer, Alistair Darling, made clear on October 21st their opposition to this approach.
George Osborne, Britain's chancellor of the exchequer, unveiled an "emergency" budget, aimed at eliminating Britain's large budget deficit within five years.
Brown spent the best part of a decade harassing Blair, demanding that the prime minister resign and hand over power to his jealous chancellor of the Exchequer.