This paper analyzed the phenomena in satellite vibration test that natural frequency decreases as excitation level increases.
Selectivity and excitation rate of laser isotope separation can be enhanced by using the coherent selective Doppler-free two-photon excitation with intermediate resonant level.
The production of brushless excitation system devices with high initial response for large turbogenerators in China has achieved advanced level in the world.
Propofol may decrease the excitation threshold, and increase the level of convulsive seizure under the same ECT parameters, but may have the potential to induce epileptic seizure.
It has been found that a bound state of excitation exists around a paramagnetic impurity with its energy level in the energy gap.
The customized LEVEL MATE II meter displays data from the transmitter, provides excitation voltage and transmits an analog signal for remote recording, alarm or control functions.
In this paper coherent excitation of two-photon resonance in three-level systems is discussed.
The PSD measured on the install base level of the mount as the excitation, the random vibration response of the mount was analyzed with the PSD module of ANSYS.
In the calculation, a level of the excitation signal is also obtained.
At PM3/CIS level, the vertical excitation spectra were calculated and the vertical excitation energies and corresponding oscillator strength from the ground states to the excited states are obtained.
Since core-level excitation is not involved in the process related to IPES, signal distortion caused by excitonic effects is not present in IPES.
In all kinds of power station, excitation system is key device which guarantees that synchronous generator works in normal state and increases stable level of electric network.
The rotor is aligned to a certain position specified in DC excitation mode for the period of (a), during which the IP pin voltage decreases from VREF to VREF/2 level.
在IP引脚电压从VREF降低至 VREF / 2期间,在阶段(a)转子在直流励磁模式下对准某一指定的位置。
The rotor is aligned to a certain position specified in DC excitation mode for the period of (a), during which the IP pin voltage decreases from VREF to VREF/2 level.
在IP引脚电压从VREF降低至 VREF / 2期间,在阶段(a)转子在直流励磁模式下对准某一指定的位置。