Experimental result, such as excitation potential in Frank-Hertz experiment, can be quantitatively presented with least-squares fit instead of the average method.
Meanwhile the excitation potential of mercury atom in high energy state has been measured and the measurement limitation, as well as the measurement conditions, have been discussed.
In this paper, the better measurement exactitudes of the first excitation potential of mercury atom were gotten by using the liner regression method in drawing up experiment curves.
Magnetic vector potential is regarded as variables to gain solution of excitation magnetic field and armature response magnetic field.
It is shown that the rotational excitation cross sections are sensitive to the directionality of potential surface and scattering Angle.
The vector magnetic potential is regarded as a variable to gain the two-dimension solution of excitation magnetic field and armature response magnetic field.
A nonlinear slowly varying amplitude equation, which incorporates cubic nonlinear term, external excitation and the influence of surface tension, was derived from potential flow equation.
Propofol may decrease the excitation threshold, and increase the level of convulsive seizure under the same ECT parameters, but may have the potential to induce epileptic seizure.
Intercellular action potential or conduction of excitation termed intercellular conduction.
Intercellular action potential or conduction of excitation termed intercellular conduction.