The only thing is, he died-he died and he doesn't write me postcards with exclamation points anymore; he no longer sends tidings from all parts of the globe: I'm here, I love you.
The only thing is, he died—he died and he doesn’t write me postcards with exclamation points anymore; he no longer sends tidings from all parts of the globe: I’m here, I love you.
Since the Greek language in which John wrote had no exclamation marks, he used an amplification technique that is common in Scriptures.
She no sooner saw it than, uttering a hasty exclamation, and giving Master Dombey to the black-eyed, she started to the rescue of her unhappy little son.
I think he's head simply not an exclamation point, and the mouse moved over there is no dialogue bubbles can occur, how is this going?
I think he's head simply not an exclamation point, and the mouse moved over there is no dialogue bubbles can occur, how is this going?