A country like Somalia is incapable of forming and executing state policy; it is a hapless state.
When executing a transition from one state to another, are there requisite conditions for the metadata?
If the worker process crashes, all the requests it was handling remain in the "executing" state for a while.
These instances are currently executing, as well as instances that need manual resolution, such as those containing activities in stopped state.
These two new jobs steps will go to an idle state (I) for the lack of availability of an executing machine.
Traditional debuggers cannot help you learn the state of a GUI while it's executing a particular use case.
When the kernel is executing floating point instructions, the FPU state is not saved.
You run all tests against the Presentation Model because it contains the conditional logic and a hold place for the state that changes as a result of executing it.
针对PresentationModel运行所有测试,因为Presentation Model包含有条件的逻辑和一个储存随执行而更改的状态的空间。
This business requirement translates into an analysis mechanism called Persistence: the maintenance of information and state even when the application is not executing.
We just want to hit our breakpoint in the state machine, so we're not interested in executing the other components.
The process of executing a program is equivalent to the process of solving a state function.
Usually, threads that are running managed code will be allowed to continue executing until they reach a state where they may be safely suspended.
If it is reading or writing then the A202.00 will go OFF for the duration of the read or write, preventing other communication rungs guarded with it from executing, and then returns to the on state.
The app is in the background but is not executing code. The system moves apps to this state automatically and does not notify them before doing so.
So when executing, we use some state information to identify its state and their dependence relations.
The suspend state is characterized by executing code being interrupted and the state of the computer system being saved to a file on the hard drive.
It is executing the official state plan to go abroad for strategic reasons, "he said."
Each layer of the representation can be thought of as the state of the computer's memory after executing another set of instructions in parallel.
When a process with a graphical interface is executing, its message loop is in a wait state.
Executing a program that predicts the state of economy C. Printing labels D.
预测国民经济、打印标签、听 音乐均没有实时要求,允许有延迟。
Executing a program that predicts the state of economy C. Printing labels D.
预测国民经济、打印标签、听 音乐均没有实时要求,允许有延迟。