At the board meeting, when it came time to discuss bonuses, the board went into executive session, meaning I had to leave the room.
The Executive Board of the World Health Organization (WHO) begins its 115th session today.
The 2008 action plan was discussed by the WHO Executive Board at its 122nd session in January 2008, and during an informal consultation with Member States, held in Geneva on 29 February 2008.
The WHO Executive Board's 120th session took place in Geneva from 22 to 29 January 2007.
The 63rd session of the Executive Council of the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) opened in The Hague, The Netherlands, on 15th February, 2011.
A paper will be developed for discussion by the Executive Board at its session in January 2007.
JANUARY 2005 | GENEVA - the Executive Board of the World Health Organization (WHO) begins its 115th session today.
If such an opportunity is available to you, take it; your advocate will then be equipped to set the scene for your session with the executive-or to make the introduction if one is needed.
An executive vice President briefed by Mr. Walker last summer wanted a follow-up session because 'things we were doing were very important to him,' the former Safeway official remembers.
YAO Wang, Executive Director, BFA Secretariat and Executive President, Research and Training Institute, BFA, presides over the Summary Session: New Findings and Perspectives – the Next Step.
YAO Wang, Executive Director, BFA Secretariat and Executive President, Research and Training Institute, BFA, presides over the Summary Session: New Findings and Perspectives – the Next Step.