The discussion of the relationship between physical building and mental health is a hot subject widely explored in contemporary exercise and sport psychology.
PE exercise and psychological health is a new subject in the field of sport psychology study.
SEHS incorporates the traditional disciplines of anatomy and physiology, biomechanics, psychology and nutrition, which are studied in the context of sport, exercise and health.
These findings connect the potential application and relevance of EEG psychophysiology to the study of sport and exercise psychology.
The significance of persistence in sports and exercises has made it sport commitment a hotspot in sport and exercise psychology.
Psychophysiology is a research approach in the study of sport and exercise psychology.
It should include sport psychology, physiology, anatomy, biomechanics, biochemistry, theory of exercise, and so on.
Exercise Psychology is an application discipline, which develops with the prosperity of Sport for all, serves for the mass fitness and offers some psychological guidance for the Sport for all.
Exercise Psychology is an application discipline, which develops with the prosperity of Sport for all, serves for the mass fitness and offers some psychological guidance for the Sport for all.