As many more people log on and spend time having fun in a synthetic economy, will that really change the mundane world, as Castronova argues in a new book, Exodus to the Virtual World?
随着越来越多的人登录游戏并花时间在一个人造经济体中寻找乐趣,这是否真的会像卡斯特罗诺瓦在新书《向虚拟世界的大迁徙》(Exodus to the Virtual World)中认为的那样,改变这个世俗世界?
As many more people log on and spend time having fun in a synthetic economy, will that really change the mundane world, as Castronova argues in a new book, Exodus to the Virtual World?
随着越来越多的人登录游戏并花时间在一个人造经济体中寻找乐趣,这是否真的会像卡斯特罗诺瓦在新书《向虚拟世界的大迁徙》(Exodus to the Virtual World)中认为的那样,改变这个世俗世界?