The Ericsson R380’s screen was monochrome, and it had no speaker, headphone jack, expansion card slot, Bluetooth, camera, or GPS.
Its single expansion slot USES a reduced form factor SD card, which admittedly fits quite nicely in a very crowded case.
Get back the original display and display card, graphics card and plug expansion slot in the original, the boot and all OK!
找回原来的显示器和显示卡,并将显示卡插在原来的扩展槽上,开机,一切OK !
Because the motherboard or expansion card expansion slot problems, leading to plug expansion CARDS, such as sound CARDS, such as the motherboard does not respond after the show without.
A interface card that usually inserted in bus expansion slot of computer is often used in the data collecting system, but this method cannot be used in a note computer.
A interface card that usually inserted in bus expansion slot of computer is often used in the data collecting system, but this method cannot be used in a note computer.