These Expansion vessel for potable water use, hot potable water, heating, boilers, water hammer arrester, pumps.
Through solving the blood flow equations for local vessel expansion region, the analytical expressions of blood flow velocity, pressure and wall shear stress were then obtained.
This feeling of newness and expansion will be primarily due to the full embodiment of your soul in your physical vessel.
Conclution: The functions of this medicine were expansion of periphery blood vessel and reduction its resistance, increase in myocardium contractive force and in cardiac out put.
The excited cerebral cortex, the expansion circumference blood vessel, these have the stimulation asthma's function, therefore take does not drink as suitably.
The hypha expansion upward in the vessels of resistant cultivar was slower than that of susceptible one as result of limitation from short vessel elements.
In addition, we tested the effect of vessel endothelial growth factor (VEGF) and passage on cell differentiation, expansion kinetics and apoptosis.
Furthermore, the more the vessel expansion is, the less the wall shear stress will be and the more the gradient of wall shear stress will be.
In order to prolong the longevity of BOF vessel and reduce the consumption of refractories, it is quite essential to calculate exactly thermal expansion stress for BOF body.
With the expansion of petroleum refinery, the existing electric desalter needs to be revamped using licensed technology based upon existing vessel equipment to meet the expanded capacity requirement.
The 3D modeling technique consists of 3D analytical contact cylinders to model the crimping, balloon expansion, and the vessel compressive loading.
Basic vessel, pressureless, constructed from steel with built-in butyl-rubber diaphragm across the entire cross-section for absorption of the expansion water when atmospherically separated.
Basic vessel, pressureless, constructed from steel with built-in butyl-rubber diaphragm across the entire cross-section for absorption of the expansion water when atmospherically separated.