If you think life is wonderful and expect it to stay that way, then you may have a good chance of living to a ripe old age, at least that is what the findings of a new study suggest.
If alien life is ever discovered, scientists expect it will most likely be of the simple, microbial variety.
Take advantage of your hidden resources. Create a new mind movie to represent what you EXPECT life to be like.
TV chef said: "As a professional chef I expect to spend the majority of my life working in the kitchen."
If life exists, scientists expect the planet's rays to be embedded with tell-tale chemical fingerprints of atmospheric molecules, such as oxygen and methane.
For it is the condition of his rule that he shall spend his life in trying to impress the "natives," and so in every crisis he has got to do what the "natives" expect of him.
When all is said and done what I choose to write will, I expect, be the only trace of your life. Your memory is in my hands...
The unnervingly upbeat tune wraps lyrics about the frailty of life around the type of instrumentation you would expect to hear during dinner on a Carnival cruise ship.
In particular, your choice of absolute or relative paths is likely to be influenced by what you expect to happen to the objects you are linking over the life of the link.
What to Expect: X-Ray Vision, Doubled Life Spans and Lots of robots!
Their list of goals became a beacon of the rich life ahead. And then I asked, "When do you expect to begin actively working on these goals?"
These are the sorts of questions that we might expect theory to ask and if you say Well I'm still not very convinced that that's an important aspect of one's intellectual life I don't blame you.
Several of my key staff, including Ann, had told me that they expect a winning team to be one that is so dedicated to their goals that the team members do not have any personal life.
In a study of over 8000 families, he found that in the most deprived parts of England people can barely expect 50 years of healthy life, nearly two decades less than in affluent areas.
The best chance of discovering life beyond Earth may not be where you’d expect.
The best chance of discovering life beyond Earth may not be where you'd expect.
HOW much golden leisure can you expect at the end of your working life?
"If you're conscious of it and make sure that you have time on your own, you can pull it off," she says. "I think from the outside, people don't expect mine to be a normal life."
We applaud the theme of "Better City, Better Life", and we expect this exposition to be an unqualified success.
Census Bureau data suggest that Americans generally are staving off disability to the very end of life: Those at age 65 can expect that half their remaining years will be disability free.
How can you expect to map your entire life with a college major when, according to the U.S. Department of Labor, the average person changes careers three times?
If this theory is accurate, our future generations can expect a life-span of 150 years.
We don't magically "fall in love" with our soul mate, nor do we expect that there won't be rough patches with the love of your life.
Some years ago I met a friend who changed my way of seeing what I could expect from life.
Perhaps most important, only 28 percent of Turks say they’re satisfied with their life, and only 43 percent expect to be satisfied with their lives five years from now.
If you are now in your thirties, you ought to be aw are that you can expect to live nearly one third of the rest of your life after the age of 60.
Thus mankind is only at the beginning of its civilized life, and as I say, we must not expect too much.
Most people add fifteen blogs to their RSS, find an assortment of improvements they could make to their life, and expect instant change the next day.
Most people add fifteen blogs to their RSS, find an assortment of improvements they could make to their life, and expect instant change the next day.