This is the expected behavior.
So the result you got is the expected behavior.
Happy path tests validate the expected behavior of the system under test.
Individual deviation in expected behavior causes arousal or alertness in others.
Table 1 is an example of a FIT table that models the expected behavior of this business rule.
When a kill -9 signal is sent to db2sysc, a db2 instance crash is the expected behavior.
当kill- 9信号被送到db2sysc,必然会发生db 2实例崩溃。
This article looks at the expected behavior of a transaction manager when a resource manager fails.
Contracts are perhaps more informative than tests to document the expected behavior of methods.
Errors in the WSDL document mislead the consumers of a Web service as to what the expected behavior is.
A normal action is one which falls well within the limits of expected behavior for a particular society.
As a short-running process, the expected behavior is to invoke all three services and to commit the transaction.
Outlining these standards also sets forth an expected behavior from developers when they code the various modules.
The expected behavior is after initially connecting to a hotspot wireless access point your should launch your browser.
This is expected behavior. (You can verify this by viewing the site in the desktop browser of your choice — it'll work fine.)
这是预期行为(您可以在所选的桌面浏览器中查看站点以进行验证 —它运行正常)。
The expected behavior is that the document should print to the first non-default printer found in the printers collection.
A team members role is a set of expected behavior patterns attributed to someone occupying a given position in a certain unit.
An application must never be placed into the production environment until it has passed performance tests with the expected behavior.
Implementations should perpetuate this behavior if they are focusable, because it is an expected behavior for accessibility scenarios.
We argue here that although malfeasance and dishonesty do indeed occur, they are not necessarily the normal or expected behavior in practice.
One of the major benefits of Design by Contract is that it provides explicit information within the interface or class itself about expected behavior.
By correctness we mean how well the execution traces of the process model correspond to the user's expected behavior of the process under consideration.
You want to ask other questions in a customer satisfaction survey to get closer to the expected behavior and to collect information about what to change and what to keep doing.
However, often times the click method should be called instead, since it will also be thrown as an event, and it is more in line with expected behavior and is less error prone.
Typical functional testing approaches are, after all, designed to verify expected behavior in software, not to find or experiment with unexpected reactions to malicious activities.
The pointer and iterator types used by the container are not necessarily neither Pointers nor conforming iterators, although they shall simulate most of their expected behavior.
It turned out that people unconsciously create situations that encourage expected behavior. If our expectations of a person are negative, we actually encourage them to behave negatively.
It turned out that people unconsciously create situations that encourage expected behavior. If our expectations of a person are negative, we actually encourage them to behave negatively.