You can run the Expeditor-wm-setup.exe installation program found in the device \ install \ wm directory of the Lotus Expeditor client CD.
可以运行LotusExpeditor客户机光盘上device \install \wm目录中的Expeditor - wm - setup . exe安装程序。
The network-awareness support in Lotus Expeditor does not actively monitor remote resources for connectivity.
在LotusExpeditor 中对网络感知的支持并不主动监测远端资源的连接。
In Lotus Expeditor, online/offline mode is controlled by the toggle in the bottom-right area.
在LotusExpeditor 中,联机/脱机模式是由右下区域中的开关控制的。
For more information on the server platform, refer to the Lotus Expeditor server documentation.
On the other hand, the Lotus Expeditor platform is a secure platform that protects your application data.
How to deploy the migrated project on the Lotus Expeditor runtime?
Installing the Lotus Expeditor client on the device or emulator.
When you are ready to create your own applications, you can create projects using Lotus Expeditor Toolkit.
如果已经准备好创建自己的应用程序,您可以使用LotusExpeditor Toolkit创建项目。
Because Lotus Expeditor contains its own Web container and Web service provider stack, the server portion of the sample is hosted on Lotus Expeditor along with the client.
因为LotusExpeditor包含自己的Web容器和Web服务提供者堆栈,所以本示例的服务器部分与客户机都位于Lotus Expeditor上。
Lotus Expeditor provides a mechanism for applying a common style to the user interface of applications.
Lotus Expeditor provides the following access services that support communications among components running in an instance of Lotus Expeditor.
LotusExpeditor提供下面的访问服务,让在一个Lotus Expeditor实例中运行的组件可以相互通信。
First, Lotus Expeditor supports development and deployment of a wide range of applications.
Enter the password you chose when installing the Lotus Expeditor desktop client.
This feature also helps expose every service running on Lotus Expeditor as a Web service and thus can be invoked outside of Lotus Expeditor.
此特性还有助于将运行在LotusExpeditor 上的每一个服务作为Web 服务公开,因此可以从 Lotus Expeditor 的外部调用这些服务。
Once registered, this subclass receives notifications of network state transitions sent by the Lotus Expeditor network component.
On the Lotus Expeditor client, the runtime environment includes.
Complete the install wizard by accepting the license agreement and restarting Lotus Expeditor.
Lotus Expeditor runtime does not support deploying enterprise applications through an EAR file.
Lotus Expeditor also allows applications to register a remote server.
Finally, Lotus Expeditor is designed as the client integration platform for composite applications.
The user enters a new order into the Lotus Expeditor part order entry application while disconnected.
Start Lotus Expeditor Client, using the -console option.
使用 -console选项,启动LotusExpeditorClient。
The local data store is a local relational database provided in Lotus Expeditor Client.
Lotus Expeditor secures the applications and application data running on the client by doing the following.
Understanding the network-aware capabilities of Lotus expeditor.
理解Lotus Expeditor的网络感知功能。
The core target provides a subset of Lotus Expeditor that matches its minimum working set.
As you can see, the migration is straightforward and easy with the help of the Lotus Expeditor toolkit.
Entries on the Lotus Expeditor synchronization page are called sync units.
Lotus Expeditor can be split into server and client components.
The user leaves the office with a laptop containing a Lotus Expeditor application for entering part orders.