Those experiencing these disorders often find sounds such as crowd noise and the noise generated by machinery painful and distressing.
After experiencing a wealth of powerful, well-timed friendship indicators, the user would be very likely to accept the computer as far more than a machine and might well come to regard it as a friend.
The strategy recognises that people experiencing disability face significant barriers in achieving a full quality of life in areas such as attitude, education, employment and access to services.
I could write for days about this topic (or any topic) and you'll never learn as much as by experiencing it for yourself.
And in the end, the great artist under this climate is, above all, a great living being, it being understood that living in this case is just as much experiencing as reflecting.
The period known as adolescence is a significant time of change for the individual experiencing it.
Players can make multiple characters, choose entirely different answers, and see a completely different personal story - experiencing a different perspective on the epic story as well.
玩家可以建立各种各样的角色,选择完全不同的答案,经历一个完全不同的个性故事- - -同样可以经历那些大型史诗故事的不同变化。
That isn’t easy to accept, and I’m experiencing different waves of emotion as I try to understand the consequences.
As fatherhood gradually becomes feminised, millions of men are experiencing this.
On average respondents were relatively happy, judging their current life as slightly above neutral and experiencing frequent positive feelings and infrequent negative ones.
What you’re probably experiencing is known in the birthing business as “back labor.”
Attacked for being "unfeminine" in her depiction of female anger and aggression, Lessing responded, "Apparently what many women were thinking, feeling, experiencing came as a great surprise."
For me it is a love of meeting people and discovering new places that pulls me forward to the next destination, a love of experiencing as much of life as possible.
Experiencing the most out of life comes down to US.We, as free-willed human beings, have the ability to make decisions.
Experiencing the most out of life comes down to US. We, as free-willed human beings, have the ability to make decisions.
As loneliness is often described as a negative emotion, people feel as blue as they are supposed to be, while experiencing it.
Questions: Have you given up on practice only to wonder why you're not improving in your field and experiencing the same luck as others?
If there are other users of your test machine, they must be aware of your test plans — otherwise they may think they are experiencing some severe problem such as a denial-of-service attack.
The property market is experiencing its own version of deflation as rents decline.
I look forward to experiencing the charms of my hometown as a local resident rather than an athlete. Of course, I stand ready to perform my duties as an exemplary host.
Furthermore, as a global company, the firm was experiencing a disconnection between their employees in the United States and Asia.
Business and households in the United States, as in many countries, are still experiencing the most challenging economic and financial pressures in decades.
Within Figure 4, the database service is a "backbone" and is experiencing some sort of latency, such as lock contention in the database or network issues.
However, periods experiencing stock-market crashes, such as 2008-09 in the U.S., represent a serious threat.
All dose levels were well tolerated, with patients experiencing only mild side effects, such as flu-like symptoms.
While experiencing a tropical island from its sandy beaches, or a volcanic island from its towering peaks is wonderful, experiencing them from above can be inspiring as well.
Morgan Stanley closed most of its prop trading units after experiencing heavy losses as a result of the mortgage meltdown in 2008.
Companies experiencing a major transition such as this one must handle it carefully, she says, and communicate more than normal.
Companies experiencing a major transition such as this one must handle it carefully, she says, and communicate more than normal.