These lightweight servers are handy experimental material.
In this experiment, as the experimental material base Artemisia.
The results indicated that Macrostomum tuba is an ideal experimental material for the study of animal evolution.
Using water as the experimental material, the contact Angle of the sanded rattan bark is smaller than the control.
Red flesh plum fruits as experimental material, the anthocyanin accumulation and related factors were analyzed systemically.
The fixation mechanism of CuAz preservatives in bamboo was studied with bamboo as the experimental material in the present paper.
Because of their genotypes and homology to human, porcine bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells become the preferred experimental material.
In this study, 26 wheat cultivars (strains) were used as experimental material to study the Changes of limit dextrinase during wheat malt production.
Jinan 17. a strong gluten wheat, was taken as an experimental material to study the effect of nitrogen application methods on grain yield and quality.
The paper describes a computer system of understanding ancient Chinese (SUACH), using two stories written in ancient Chinese as experimental material.
The reactor itself was built with a lot of “debugging” possibilities on purpose, so that scientists could have a lot of experimental material available.
In this study, Hongsucui pear and Hongxiangmi pear were taken as experimental material and the effect of the bagging technique on the quality of red pear was studied.
The study used 20 primary school students of grade one, grade three and grade five as subjects, chose confused Chinese characters in phonology as experimental material.
With salicylic acid (sa) as the induced factor, the fruit of Red Fuji apple as the experimental material, the paper studied the resistance induced by sa to apple ring rot.
Using the organ of nonthorny big fruit seabuckthom as the experimental material, this paper studied the technology of the tissue culture of nonthorny big fruit seabuckthom.
The effects of heat shocks on softening and cell wall metabolism in postharvest persimmon fruits (Diospyros kaki L. cv. Bianhua)were investigated using CV Bianhua as experimental material.
Using benzoic acid, acetylsalicylic acid, metronidazole as model drugs and pig ear and pig abdominal skins for experimental material, the in vitro skin permeability of drugs was undertaken.
Yangmai 11, a good medium gluten wheat variety suitable for preparing noodle, was taken as an experimental material to study the effects of nitrogen amount on starch properties and kernel quality.
In physical experiments of ancient China, water was not only the object of observation and study, but also an experimental material, and it could sometimes become an experimental apparatus as well.
The mission of computational materials scientists, like myself, is to narrow down the experimental search space that experimentalists need to explore in order to optimize a given material.
This paper illustrates the principle and experimental method of material analysis by backscattering.
This paper will provide theoretical and experimental basis for the study and research on natural raw lacquer as function material.
With the analysis on the drying mechanism of sodium based bentonite, a semi-theoretical kinetic model is regressed by using the experimental data of drying the material in suspended state.
Experimental method for ablation of throat liner material in a high pressure gas launch device is introduced.
The experimental results showed that Mn doping in small quantity was effective to improve the cycle stability and reversible capacity of the material.
This paper presents the material selection and the experimental results of the main parts for NJD433 diesel engine.
In this paper, one kind of multi-functional material mechanics experimental system has been designed to implement different loading modes and all kinds of experiments.
In this paper, one kind of multi-functional material mechanics experimental system has been designed to implement different loading modes and all kinds of experiments.