China took export market share and growth stalled.
Korea benefited as its cheap currency versus the Japanese yen and the dollar alllowed Korean car makers and electronics companies to win a bigger share of the export market.
they want our share of the market, both the European market and the export market.
By improving products quality and enlarging market share, we energetically expands the directly export proportion of products.
This article USES constant market share model (CMS) to carry on the stage analysis on Chinese vegetables export trade change, and seek the primary causes for which the vegetables exportation grow.
Therefore, we should understand and study the admission rules of American market favorable to expand export share of homemade textiles.
For many years, of our country export commodities adopt tactics that price competition export at a low price promptly generally, in the hope of gaining certain international market share.
China is the biggest rare earth producer and reserve country in the world, and it possesses over 50% market share of the global rare earth export.
China has experienced a massive export boom based on a strong global economy and increasing market share.
Four factors affecting RMB internationalization are China's export trade, global share of foreign investment, development and openness of financial market and the stability of the currency.
Aftersales maintenance market share is more than 60% in domestic, also export to Europe, southeast Asia etc.
We both share borders with the United States, the most important export market for each of us.
Fireworks production in these areas the number of products account for 80% of the national market, the export share of 90%.
Excessive capacity expansion in the Middle East will substantially increase its market share in the Asia export market, but it is not expected to have a major impact on...
Excessive capacity expansion in the Middle East will substantially increase its market share in the Asia export market, but it is not expected to have a major impact on...