Natural weathering rates are limited by, among other factors, the exposed surface area of chemically reactive rock.
That can be used as a proxy for phytoplankton population in a given area, since the tiny organisms live close to the ocean's surface, where they are exposed to sunlight they use to produce energy.
They're crisper and thinner than regular fries, which means that they're exposed to greater heat per surface area, killing pathogens and reducing water content.
They're crisper and thinner than regular fries, which means that they’re exposed to greater heat per surface area, killing pathogens and reducing water content.
And so desert plants have evolved ways to stay hydrated, including sporting tiny leaves to reduce the surface area exposed to the sun's water-zapping rays.
The advantage of that, he says, is that the small particles would have much more surface area exposed to sunlight and the water, allowing them to harness the sun's energy more efficiently.
Cleaning of the surface is in the form of bubble formation on the part that vaporizes the chemical in order to react the oxidizer in the vapor state to the exposed surface at the bubble growth area.
Cleaning of the surface is in the form of bubble formation on the part that vaporizes the chemical in order to react the oxidizer in the vapor state to the exposed surface at the bubble growth area.