Exposition is whatever background information you have to reveal to the audience.
With new ideas and plentiful information, the paper makes a deep exposition.
In one good paragraph, beginning with the information for exposition, render only facts in chronological order while resisting the temptation to add opinions, assumptions, and emotional responses.
At the same time, effective information system services caused by the demand for a brief exposition.
Along with our country accounting information distortion question's unceasing exposition, presented the challenge to the existing accounting information production circulation pattern.
In the large collection and access to information based on the relationship between teachers and students on the Construction of Harmonious do a more comprehensive exposition.
This can improve other related audio-visual information system to protect the probative value of the scientific finds, including the exposition of judgement and evidence investigation.
This will be its information security management needs analysis, security threats in a bid to build their management and security system to give a systematic exposition.
This will be its information security management needs analysis, security threats in a bid to build their management and security system to give a systematic exposition.