Its night vision capabilities feature automatic while balance and exposure controls to ensure clear and crisp images.
When you're ready, you might want to learn more advanced techniques using flash Exposure Compensation and general Exposure Compensation controls in conjunction with TTL flash.
These controls allow you to make easy adjustments to flash and overall exposure while still letting the TTL system do most of the thinking for you. Very handy indeed.
Some fringe developed economies with a reputation for tough regulatory controls and limited direct or indirect exposure to the subprime problem at the root of the crisis have benefited.
Extensive manual controls including an exposure bracketing mode that newly includes Settings for white balance and color modes.
Use available exposure control equipment consistent with training and its intended design. Follow established administrative controls and implement work practice controls consistent with training.
Less commonly used functions, such as adjusting the exposure, require interaction with onscreen controls.
You don't get manual controls while shooting video, but you can adjust white balance, choose from preset exposure Settings, and select a few color filters while filming.
To really control the exposure, color and sharpness of your images and to get creative you'll need to embrace some degree of manual controls.
In general, controls and displays should be organized in an interface according to three attributes: frequency of use, degree of dislocation, and degree of risk exposure.
Such controls typically involve the use of local exhaust ventilation, work practice modification, and personal protective equipment in order to reduce exposure potentials.
The invention controls and adjusts flash output accurately to reach correct exposure under condition of low cost and low power consumption.
藉此,本发明可达 成以低成本及低功耗实现精确控制及调整闪光灯的闪光强度及正确曝光的效 果。
Another 40 workers with no exposure to dust or toxicants were selected as controls. 12 male smokers were 31.8 yr old on average; 8 male non - smokers 32. 3 yr old on average;
The measurement of the threshold of seismesthesia between 172 workers with vibration exposure and 308 controls were reported by using the AU-02A type device.
The measurement of the threshold of seismesthesia between 172 workers with vibration exposure and 308 controls were reported by using the AU-02A type device.