Rogers, who had been clinging to the bus for more than three hours, was dazed and disoriented, by his prolonged exposure to cold.
Intrinsic asthma: asthmatic attacks are precipitated by respiratory infections, exposure to cold, exercise, stress, inhaled irritants, and drugs such as aspirin.
Converting white fat into brown is notoriously difficult, normally requiring long term exposure to cold conditions or activating part of the body's nervous system.
Converting white fat into brown is notoriously difficult, normally requiring long term exposure to cold conditions or activating part of the body's nervous system.
One limitation of the study was a lack of adjustment for all variables that might affect the outcome, such as exposure to cold germs at work or from children in the home, the researchers noted.
Now, a new study has discovered how exposure to cold dramatically alters the composition of bacteria the gut, and this leads to fat-burning, improved glucose metabolism, and reduced body weight.
Winter weather conditions with snow and rain, in addition to lack of shelter and limited power supply, puts individuals at increased risk of diseases and conditions caused by exposure to cold weather.
Protect your dog against frostbite by limiting exposure to cold temperatures, particularly for short-coated, thin-skinned breeds, and immediately bring your dog indoors if he or she is shivering.
Frostnip is the development of tingling sensations due to exposure to the cold.
Hypothermia is a more severe response to cold exposure that is defined as a significant drop in body core temperature.
Studies at the UK Common Cold Unit in the 1980s showed that people with the highest cell-mediated immunity before exposure to flu didn't get sick or shed virus.
It's important to be aware of the early warning signs and symptoms of cold exposure and how to prevent problems.
Dozens of deaths have been reported from exposure to the cold and from accidents.
During the cold war, when nuclear tensions were at their height, rampaging B-movie monsters were the result of accidental exposure to radiation; nowadays plague seems a greater threat to humanity.
There are also fewer cold pockets in homes, such as in hallways, leading to less exposure to variable temperatures.
However, after three weeks of cold exposure, body weight began to stabilise.
Although the world easily. Also, a day of exposure, ten days cold, also will not be able to grow.
Exposure to the cold wind left my lips feeling dry.
The selective exposure of tissues to extreme cold, often by applying a probe containing liquid nitrogen, to bring about the destruction or elimination of abnormal cells.
Proper winter attire protects your body from prolonged exposure to the cold.
Free proline content can increase upon exposure of plants to drought, salinity, cold, heavy metals, or certain pathogens.
It suggested that the liver of tree shrews respond more rapidly to cold exposure then BAT and the ability of thermogensis of BAT is better than that of liver.
Don't wake her from sound sleep for sharing quilt, even if that leads to your exposure to the cold.
A few tests indicate that the north Florida variety actually needs exposure to some cold weather.
Contary to popular belief cold are not cause by exposure to severe weather.
Wear more clothes to protect you from cold exposure.
High zinc intake increased the zinc concentration in tissues in normal rats, but it restrained the decrease of zinc concentration in tissues due to acute cold exposure.
High zinc intake increased the zinc concentration in tissues in normal rats, but it restrained the decrease of zinc concentration in tissues due to acute cold exposure.