At present, there are many algorithms to achieve position tracking, such as the Kalman filter algorithm, extended Kalman filter algorithm, particle filter algorithm and so on.
The initial angular positions of the joints are estimated by the extended Kalman filter algorithm, then the manipulator's absolute locating accuracy in its workspace is guaranteed indirectly.
Concerning the problem to instability and low accuracy of the passive filter on bearings-only target tracking, a modified adaptive Extended Kalman filter algorithm on polar coordinate is presented.
Unscented Kalman Filter (UKF), which is an evolutional algorithm of Extended Kalman Filter (EKF), has been successfully applied in many nonlinear estimation problems.
To improve the performance of object tracking, a particle filter algorithm was proposed which(uses) state partition technique and parallel extended kalman filter to construct proposal distribution.
In nonlinear systems, the fusion algorithm based on extended Kalman Filter suffers from the disadvantage that the tracking precision is not satisfied.
Concerning the problem of instability and low accuracy of passive filter in underwater target tracking, a modified adaptive extended kalman filter (MAEKF) algorithm is presented.
Concerning the problem of instability and low accuracy of passive filter in underwater target tracking, a modified adaptive extended kalman filter (MAEKF) algorithm is presented.