The platform extender wouldn't budge.
XSLT transformations can be made using Extender functions.
Need to enable XML Extender functionality for the database.
Subdocument queries can be made using XML Extender functions.
If they are right, the need for even a range-extender vanishes.
More advanced search features offered by Net search Extender are.
The second is to add a petrol-driven generator known as a "range extender".
Net search Extender supports two kinds of character masking for wildcard search.
Show the use of annotated XML schema functions instead of XML Extender functions.
This article presents a different approach to the one used by the DB2 XML Extender.
本文介绍了一种不同于db 2XML Extender所使用的方法。
The data used for Figure 1 is provided as sample data to the DB2 Spatial Extender.
本文将图1使用的数据作为DB2Spatial Extender 的示例数据。
This installs a Transformation Extender node for processing data in message flows.
这将安装用于处理消息流中的数据的Transformation Extender节点。
Among the basic search criteria of Net search Extender are the following features.
Creating and using geometry values such as points requires the DB2 Spatial Extender.
创建和使用几何值(比如点)需要DB 2Spatial Extender。
After starting Net search Extender, enable the DB2 database for text search operations.
在启动NetSearchExtender之后,对DB 2数据库启用文本搜索操作。
Spatial support for DB2 for z/OS provides mostly the same functionality as the extender.
DB2for z/OS 的空间支持提供了几乎与扩展器相同的功能。
The spatial extender provides an index advisor that helps you to tune your spatial index.
spatial extender提供了一个indexadvisor,以帮助您调优空间索引。
Note: For this scenario, pass this DAD file to the DB2 XML Extender shred function at runtime.
注意:对于这个场景,在运行时将这个DAD文件传递给DB 2XMLExtender分解函数。
Net search Extender is capable of handling mixed content — searching across element boundaries.
But since this was an optional step in XML Extender, some users might not have a collection at all.
Select a workspace and close the Welcome view. Create an Extender project as shown in Figure 7.
Referring to a previous search example, Net search Extender does not find any results in this case.
These tools include the DB2 XML Extender which provides a bridge between XML and relational systems.
这些工具包括DB2XMLExtender,它在 XML和关系系统之间架起了一座桥梁。
Extension points are defined on host plug-ins, whereas extensions are declared by the extender plug-ins.
Extension points are defined on the host plug-ins, whereas extensions are declared by the extender plug-ins.
The Transformation Extender engine runs in the same process, enabling very efficient message processing.
Transformation Extender引擎在同一进程中运行,从而实现非常高效的消息处理。
If no custom document model is supplied as index parameter, Net Search Extender USES its default document model.
And, as in a hybrid electric car with a petrol-powered range extender, there is an internal-combustion option.
Transformation Extender has multiple editions that offer different deployment options. Transformation Extender can.
Transformation Extender has multiple editions that offer different deployment options. Transformation Extender can.